New Maplenoll Ariadne owner needing advice

I have recently purchased a maplenoll ariadne. I have tried to learn a little about the table but find very little information. I know the table was discontinued in the 90's but the little i have found indicated it is a very good table. I am interested to learn if there are any tricks or problems to optimizing this table. As most of you probably know, it is an air bearing platter and tonearm. I plan on putting my zxy airy 3 on the arm once I get it set up.
Work, Work and Work Some More :

The Top-side "Q" has been lightly covered with Roma, the beer belly on the lead floor where the bottom half of the bearing sits was slightly pounded so the center of the bearing plate sits on a flatish lead center and the wide, flat portion of the bearing "floats". The bearing got a new center pin , the off-set air inlet got a new air tube repositioned , damped to the metal tube that ultimately attaches the air control system to the turntable base. The tines and bushings are in place . More later...Note: The Roma can be easily cleaned with I/O alcohol.
Charlie: Do you have any pics of your work, I would love to see the work in progress. Tremendous effort, can't wait to see how it turns out.
Oilmanmojo: Sorry I don't ,a real kick in the keester . I just bought a digital camera that I have yet to operate. Before the final set-up a bud is to take a few disassembled Pic's to fill in the blanks. This is a huge amount of work. I think I have 40 hrs.+ more. Most is grunt work , real time consuming. I only hope the effort is worth it. The interesting matter for me is that I believe I correctly understand how these tables actually operate. Next up, the tone-arm.
Readers: I broke a M10-1.0 fine thread, 1/8" plastic air barb ; no one near me has a replacement. Any suggestions on where to find one? Thanks.