New Maplenoll Ariadne owner needing advice

I have recently purchased a maplenoll ariadne. I have tried to learn a little about the table but find very little information. I know the table was discontinued in the 90's but the little i have found indicated it is a very good table. I am interested to learn if there are any tricks or problems to optimizing this table. As most of you probably know, it is an air bearing platter and tonearm. I plan on putting my zxy airy 3 on the arm once I get it set up.
Readers: I broke a M10-1.0 fine thread, 1/8" plastic air barb ; no one near me has a replacement. Any suggestions on where to find one? Thanks.
Everywhere I turn its, Oil, Oil and Troughs :

Before the Tone-Arm , a little redo of the oil trought. Mine must have been made early on , very little to adjust unless its off the table. I have a few dremel inspired ideas. Tomorrow its back to the Heart Institute . C Ya , the sooner the better ...
Never touch a dremel ... More work ... Steel wool makes a lot disappear ... Mo better.

Now to Put Humpty Dumpty Back Together Again.

Before any sub unit can be reassembled they all need some mild sanding & paint work. Nothing anybody can't complete. Just a time in = rewards later job. What is apparent (no offense B.D.) much of the 'Noll finishing work was sloppy, period. Hundreds of minor imperfections, sometimes it seems per sq. inch. Well, 97% is history and the other 3% ? Thats what paint is for ( a little cheat in me). The paint scheme is going to be calmer , light colors for the manifold housing , softer blacks for the platter , arm-lift unit and trough. Some parts of the tone-arm (counter-weight "L") are to be repainted a soft black. The VTA adjuster will be either the same color as the manifold or soft black. I may reconsider the platter and hand paint in a epoxy brite black . Today, the Rx'es drew 18 large vials of Mr. Me's red-stuff. Gosh, that a great way to start the day... At least I have today :) :)
And on the 7th Day ...

More special appearances at the Heart Institute. As I sat contently puttering with a couple of parts associated with the Oil Trough , all hell broke loose -- Heart Attack Day -- 8 men and 3 women were wheeled by breathless techs all for imaging some having more than one test. The patients were all so upset; the men had tears in their eyes (family loss fear) , the women seemed more resigned to death. I couldn't stand it. Here I am for a simple Holter Test , here they are fighting for their lives . As a Nurse Janet called me to be hooked up , inner emotions (don't ask why) called out for me to quell the emotional agony / pain I was witnessing. As I stood to walk to the Prep Room , I said in a calm clear voice " I know what's going on in your mind ... listen to me ... What is happening to you has happened to me twice". They transfixed on me as I looked each patient in the eye saying "Nobody is going to die , not today , the staff is going to keep you alive ... I mean it ... No deaths, not today ". Nurse Janet was stunned as was everybody in ear shot. The patients all gave me a smile & some a feble "thumbs-up". Nurse Janet who is in her 70's +++ closed the Prep Door and said that moment was inspiring thanking me for the effort. In 20 minutes the Holter was set-up and away I went.

So what's this have to do with the 'Noll ? I lost the trough part ... No good deed goes goes rewarded ... I'll make the lost part out of Oak or better ...