New McIntosh MA252

Wondering if anyone has listened to the new MA252. I have an MA6500 pushing 200 watts into my SF Olympica llls which I think sound great. Question - would the tube preamp on the new MA252 add noticeable warmth, richness, sound stage presence? Thanks. 

I am planning to get a Sonus Faber Serafino. Currently using Primaluna prologue premium with martin logan bookshelf. 

I listen mostly to classical, Jazz and lots of vocal. I have enjoyed so far with Primaluna tubes but can't use it for the Sonus Faber Serafino. 

Will McIntosh MA252 be sufficient enough to drive the Serafino or should i get MA352? Will i get the warmth of the tubes in MA352?
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Has anyone compared the MA252 to the Audio Research VSi75? Both are on my shopping list but cannot audition as I live on Vancouver Island.
I have listened to the MA 252 in two systems and I would strongly lean toward it if in the market for an integrated