NEW Musical Fidelity DAC

Hey everybody, it has come to my attention that Musical Fidelity is coming out with a new DAC. Has anyone heard it yet? Apparently there have only been 12 sent to North America, 8 went to the US and the rest here in Canada.
When I first heard this dac, I thought it would hold it's ground with it's well respected reputation. Well, i'm glad to say that this dac was so magical, that it outperformed the red book standard sony 777 cd player, and it went toe to toe on sacd. This dac put every performance into a live spectrum, and I have never heard more clean, fast, and accurate low level detail and bass from a dac at that price. This dac has demolished the likes of my bel canto dac, and the msb, and even the audio note tubed dac. Make sure you use silver plated coaxial cable, for some reason, the tributaries silver plated cables made magic on this dac and threw a huge soundstage over the xlo, audiquest, and cardas that I tried with it. So for interconnects, this dac really liked silver, I mean, I found some copper interconnects too soft, but the silver plated nu-vista cables by the same company just put everything in place. You have to hear this dac, I have one of the prototypes that were sent to canada. This dac sounds incredible on neutral to laid back transports. Even an old pioneer transport made this thing sound incredible, and with a high end transport like the sony 777 cd player, or the pioneer stable plater, or a teac transport from what i've heard, this thing has air, soundstage, imaging, the blackest background, lots of depth, and acuity and beyond. Wether your looking for a dac that's $2000 or even up to $5000, listen to this dac, why? because it's under $2000 and when the reveiws get out, your going to have a hard time getting your hands on one, and like the bel canto dac, your only going to see this thing used when the new version is released, and that's far away, remember, this dac is based off their $7500 NU VISTA cd player, and believe you me, whether you have electrostatics, magnaplanar speakers, k-horn or box speakers, this thing will make you realize the future of upsampling.
This DAC kicked the bucket the first day when we put the live Tool CD in. I worked fine for about two hours then kept flashing "no sync" and refused to read any more data.
P.S. The Nu-Vista cd player is $4995.
Blackie, did you try another transport or digital cable ? Is this piece a hybrid Tubed / SS design or all SS ? Upsampling ? Sean