New Plasma: 1080p or 750?

I'm breaking down and getting a new flat screen. A friend of mine suggested the Panasonic 42" Plasma with 1080P. But then he also says, most HDTV signals only broadcast in 750 and only some games and Blue Ray signal in 1080P, and that TV won't get to 1080p for years. Is that right? if so, no sense paying an extra $100 or more for a 1080P. Also, is LG as good as Panasonic? thanks

Showing 3 responses by rwwear

Pioneer is going to stop making the panels for the Kuro line and Panasonic is going to be making them for Pioneer.
If you use a computer with your TV, then 1080p is worth it. But for anything 50 inches and smaller, 1080p is hard to distinguish between 720p or 1080i. But everyone wants it it seems.
Well the cable company compresses their signal up to five times. That's why they look bad. You should see 720p over an antennae. No compression.