The Wireworld Platinum eclipse 6 v Platinum 7, both are first rate interconnects and will give lasting musical satisfaction long term I believe. Using my Cat Legend pre, upgraded by Cat and the Sonyscd777es as a test component; my aural observations are as follows, straight out of the box the P6 sounded musical and very listenable improving with use; increases in clarity,transparency and dimensional followed with use. The P7 straight out of the box presented as somewhat edgy, analytical in presentation improving sonically after a period of extended use. I consider the P7 exhibiting cleaner and clearer textures and somewhat more revealing of musical details. I consider the P6 a little more musical than the P7, the P7 a little more revealing than the P6; I use both and both give great pleasure, a viable option is the Mark Levinson red rose silver 1 a real sleeper. Soundbuff