New Pre-Pro or Pre with HT by-pass

I have just purchased a pair of Vienna Acoustics Beethoven Concert Grands. They will replace Paradigm Studio 100 v2.
I have an EAD processor,which has served me well but I wonder
do the newer processors work better for HT and 2 Ch.

Should I get a better pre-pro -Primare, Arcam, or
keep my EAD and get a good Pre with HT by-pass. Any comments
from you that have crossed this bridge.


Showing 1 response by flrnlamb

You can really use ANY preamp, and simply use the tape input or auxilary input, etc. I've used the Audio Research 15 and 16 (with bypass) and, with the right tube compliments, these preamps are about in the same ball park. The 16 getting the edge with it's more pure inputs.
still, i'd get the best preamp you can get your hands on for 2 channel use, and simply accept connecting the AV pre/pro through any good (or best, whatever) input on the 2 channnel pre. HT will still sound great, and the 2 channel will be excellent. This is not that big of a deal. I've used my 5.1 pre's into several higher end 2 channel analog preamp's, and never a problem!