New Radiant Acoustics Clarity 6.2’s

So I took a leap and bought the Clarity 6.2’s to replace my Canton 9.2 DC and also my Thiel CS2.4’s. And no, I didn’t hear them first, but they have a 30’day return  policy (which I will not be using). 

I’ve been following a lot of the designs by Lyngdorf, this being one of them - this being a collaboration, and also at a much cheaper price than his bigger speaker brands  

i’m happy to report the hype seems real. They are very clean and super three-dimensional. They’re natural sounding and the bass goes deep enough in my small 15 x 15 room that I didn’t need the subwoofer anymore. You still need one if you wanna get to the down low to 20-30 Hz or so but if you don’t listen to that kind of music it’s unneeded IMO  

I run them on a Luxman 507Z using a Wiim ultra going to my NAD M51 DAC.  

The first thing that strikes you is the huge sound stage, and the feeling that these speakers are more like floor standards than small bookshelf like speakers.  Well, they may be the size of bookshelf but they require a stand, and most importantly the tweeters must be at ear level. They don’t have great vertical dispersion, but do have great horizontal dispersion.

anyway, I haven’t seen any real reviews other than Erin  and Stjerholm on YouTube, but really nobody else so I thought I’d throw this in as a starter



Due to the limited accessibility of these speakers (no US distribution), they do have a 30 day free trial so that you can return it if you don’t like it. I think it’s like 50 or 60 bucks to return it. That being said, I’ve been playing around with a small subwoofer (REL T/5) crossing them over around 45 Hz just to see how that sounds. How it certainly feels out the sound in the lower registers, they also sound great without it

There is nothing like the Purifi woofers.  The distortion is so much lower than anything else.  I haven't heard the Radiant speakers with them but I have several DIY builds with the same woofer and it's just on a different level.  They are the most accurate sounding speaker I've ever heard.  According to the measurements, Radiant has done a fantastic job here.

I would say that depends more of your amplification. If you have a good solid amplifier with some watts and current, it plays very well. However, if you have a poor amplifier, I suspect it wouldn’t play nicely at low volumes. 

as a side note, this is a small speaker, not a floor stander, even though belies it size it cannot move as much air or get as loud as a full size floor stander. It can only cheat physics so much.