New Rega Planar 3 MM Cart recommendations

I recently purchased a new set up - Rega Brio amp, Rega Apollo CD and Triton 1’s (started with the the T7’s but quickly upgraded) I have an extensive CD selection but some of the things I want now are only available on Vinyl so I’m planning on getting the Planar 3. I’ve spent the past weekend reading about carts and I really want to go with a MM because the amp already has a phono channel for MM. It seems the reviews on the stock cart aren't that great so what are you suggestions for a MM around the same price as the Elys please (c.$300)


You can find what you need at
The prices are in Australian Dollars (not US$)
And if Garrott p77i is expensive for you, try Garrott K3

Garrott MM cartridges are great, i own p77 and love it. ordered the P3 today and the dealer suggested I start with the Elys cart that comes with the TT.  This is my first return to vinyl in 35 years so with my dealer I can always trade it in for a full credit in the first 12 months as long as I'm spending twice as much on the new purchase.
I'll keep you posted on the results.

Smart move.  Also smart buying your first tt from a local dealer who can assist you with questions.  BTW - a tt should not be a stress creator, which it is for so many people.  Once properly set up in your home by a competent person, it should operate flawlessly for years without need for tinkering.  Enjoy your new purchase.  All you need now is records :)
I actually thought about buying the P1 as a starter TT and he wouldn't sell it to me claiming I would be disappointed from day 1 and I would bring it back so I'm super excited.  Already purchased a few more albums.
I recently purchased a Planar 3 with the  Elys cart, after hearing the 1 and 2 before hand with the Rega carts and then the 3, I could hear the difference on each and too be honest I am happy with the sound that I have from this and with my setup.