New Resolution Audio Opus 21

Anyone have any inside information aside from what is available on the Resolution Audio website concerning their new cd player? From what I gather on the website it seems to untilize much of the hardware used in the CD55 but with seperate display/power supply chassis and cosmetics. Also, they indicate it is using a new/updated analog output section. It seems many liked the previous CD50 over the newer CD55, at least in several threads I have read. Personally, I have not had the opportunity to listen to either and was wondering what some of you had to say in regards to some of those statements.

Best Regards,


Showing 1 response by emorawski

My experience has been very similar to the others. I have a Cary 306/200 which I had compared the Opus 21 with and found the Opus 21 to be superior in detail and smoothness.
To me the Opus just sounds much more musical than other players I have heard. Listening to Norah Jones, for example, on both the Cary and Opus 21 was quite amazing in pointing out the differences. The Opus 21 sounds clearer while the Cary sounded a tad brighter.

I really like the Opus 21 and think it's a steal for the asking price.