New speakers for 15*12 room powered by Lamm 1.2s?

 Attending the Seattle show this week. Thinking about upgrading my Thiel 7.2 speakers which I have owned for over 15 years.  I have a dedicated room. My Thiel's are powered by Lamm 1.2s direct from a PS Audio Directream DAC Mk1.  I am separately looking at upgrading the digital sources and potentially adding real to reel to my system.  Through room treatments and upgrading the Tubes in my Lamm's  I have been able to get a lot of the brightness out of my Thiels but I am still looking for more warmth and definition. I listed to a lot of female vocalist music, acoustic/electric guitar.  I am told the Borreson X3, X6 are an incredible value.  Any  recommendations to consider? Thx

Ag insider logo xs@2xmwthorne

Borresons are hard to place just like Raidho's.  They need room to come alive.  If you can't get 9' between and 3' to 5' behind the speaker, they will not be at their best.  

If you want something that will be less bright that will be elite, look at Wilson Benesch, Rockport, Marten and Stenheim.  

I like the WBs best but am heavily biased since it is what I run and I am a dealer.  Brian may be at that show or if you can visit him in SoCal, it might be worth the trip.  The Discovery 3Zero is more than enough speaker for that small space.  

Rockport's smallest model, Marten Parkers and I don't know the Stenheim line that well but know the sound will be right for you.  

Full disclosure, I am a dealer for WB and Raidho, I have no relationship with any of the other brands listed.  

Jeepers. Room size with dialed in treatment and Theil 7.2s. Can I listen to please? On paper a presentation that’s near perfect. Coherent AF. (Bob) put his finger right on it. You might need to decide how much of that perfect timing is critical. Many of the other speakers listed here and the Borgs that you mentioned are mazeballs. They are better then the 7.2s at many things. But not coherency. Make sure you can live with this. For me and my sensitivity, it would be a completely different listening experience. Not better or worse, different. The Wilsons are a good choice. Why did you take them off the short list? Value proposition?

I'm with Soix on this. I'd start with a trial of a high quality tube preamp. Thiels are NOT bright!!!! But they do expose what's in front of them, mercilessly. I'd also check to see if your cables are a good match with Thiels. I was a happy Thiel owner for 33 years.

Some smart people on here. If this were me (and I've owned 5 pairs of Thiels), I would first install a top end tube preamp.

My first 2 choices would be the Aric Audio Motherlode XL, and the Don Sachs/Lynn Olson Raven preamp (built and sold by Spatial Audio). I happen to own the Aric Audio Motherlode XL.

I'd also throw in the Supratek Cabernet or Cabernet DHT, Backert Labs Rhumba Extreme 1.4, and BAT VK-80.

Once I added the preamp, I'd look at: Joseph Audio Perspective 2 Graphene, Volti Luceras, Sonus Faber, Revel Salon 2s, Rockports, Vivid Kaya 45,