New Speakers for $2000

Hello, new to the forums and wanted to ask your guys' advice for my next step up. My system right now is Lossless Files -> Benchmark DAC1 USB -> Cambridge Audio 650A -> Jamo 707 (Speakers from the early 90s I think).

I have about $2000 maybe up to $2200 MAX to spend on speakers. My sound preferences as you can tell from my set up is fairly neutral.

I went to the local hi-fi shop recent and listened to MartinLogan Electromotion. I found that they both lack bass extension which wouldn't really be a problem but also that they have a really lax midrange (too lazy for metal).

My wants in order of preference are:
-Sound stage width
-Good highs
-Not so slow mids that it'd make listening to heavier music unenjoyable
-A decent amount of bass or even slightly weak on punch is fine

Any recommendations are welcome and thanks in advance.

Showing 3 responses by ninjasquirt

Thanks for all the suggestion. My current list of choices are:

Magnepan 1.7s - Concerned it might lack in bass since it is planar and lacks a woofer

Vandersteel Model 2s - They sound very nice but the Stereophile review seem to jump straight through the fact that their sound stage isn't top-notch. On top of that my amp doesn't have fully-balanced inputs (which was heavily stressed in the suggestion). I'm using a pair of Cardas XLR to RCA converters right now on my Benchmark DAC1 USB to take advantage of the XLR (notorious for sounding better than the RCA out). So that may disquality the Vandersteel as well. Also they apparently put in you a music hall like sound stage, sometimes a good thing, sometimes not. I like a bit of a forward presentation but I'd have to listen to the Vandersteels to really find out.

Nola Boxers - Definitely heavily considering this one but I really like the tower look but that's not really an issue.

Goldenears Triton 2s - Out of price range.

-Ohm Walsh 1000s, my room is fairly large (really high concrete ceilings) and the suggestion said that was a factor.

My listening environment is not optional since my apartment is kind shaped like an L and my stereo area is kind of small width-wise.

Vaporaudio - Haven't read reviews yet but again prefer the tower look. Otherwise will follow up on the suggestion.
Again, thank you for all the suggestions. Unfortunately, as a student, I can't afford the time and the distance I'd have to travel to audition all your suggestions. The brands that are really available to me are: B&W, Rega, Dynaudio, Revel, Goldenear, ML, Harbeth, and maybe Thiel. Sorry, I seriously should've mentioned this earlier.

I did audition some Dynaudio DM 3/7 and like them a lot for good recordings. They're $2000 on the dot and I can do a trade in to take them to $1600. As far as laid back hifi vs. forward and dynamic. Right now, my Jamoes are forward and dynamic but the Dynaudio I listened to are definitely laid back. I loved their everything on them with the exception of them lacking some bite if you will, on the mids. Maybe a little too bassy for my taste.

I'm going to go back and try out the Revels if I can later.
Honestly, my current speaker system does many of these things to a satisfying level. It lacks a little bit of resolution but as far as sound signature goes, mids and bass are both perfect. Highs a little rolled-off but I can deal with that. Sound stage width could be wider. I'm just looking for basically the same sound signature with a resolution and imaging upgrade. These speakers were $1600 in the early 90s. I don't know how the whole market goes but I'd like to think the industry could do that with $2000 in 2012.

Another thing is, I've been reading about stereo amp power. The speakers I have, have 200W power requirement and are 4 ohms yet my amp only has maybe 110W at 4 ohms continously. I've read that this can cause distortion. Maybe, I should just invest in an amp upgrade since almost everyting I read recommends twice the power required by the speakers on the amp.