New Speakers under consideration - but I’m afraid

I really like my speakers but I am considering an upgrade. I have B&W 801 S2 MkIII that I bought new in 1999 (re-coned with modded x-over). I’m afraid that what I get will not equal them and new may  just be different.

They are bi-amped with McIntosh up top and Krell on the bottom. Analog is Revox B77 and dig is Oppo 105D with Bryston DAC3.

I will also likely upgrade the DAC but this thread is about speakers.

I need a dynamic loudspeaker that is as good with chamber music as it is with acoustic jazz, rock and electronic music (everything but Country and Rap).

I haven’t heard anything yet but am considering Borrersen X3, Wilson Sasha and B&W 803 D4.

Should I be afraid or will these speakers all best a 25 yr old design?


I’d keep your current speakers and get another pair that are really different but can be driven by your current amps. If you listen to a lot of acoustic music and jazz, Maggie’s might be interesting. Then you can swap ever once in a while to scratch the itch for something different.

I haven't heard an american-made speaker yet that I like not legacy not Wilson not any the European speakers are much better like monitor audio proac audio vector and Boressen.

Hello ritter06!  If you like your speakers, don't be in a hurry to change them. I do agree that Legacy speakers are excellent, if they will fit in your space. Most of them are on the large side. They do make a smallish one. Here's an easy & cheap way to evaluate your existing speakers. I assume you have serious speaker cables. Get some garden variety 14 gauge zip cord the same length as your speaker cables. (You can make extension cords for your power tools later on.) Play your favorite music on your system without any changes. Turn off the power amps. Now swap your speaker cables for the zip cords. Listen to the same music thru the zip cords. Is the sound noticibly less pleasant with the zip cords in place? If YES, your speakers are detailed enough for you to hear improvements made elsewhere in the system. If the sound is about the same, go ahead and replace your speakers with something nice. Legacy, Golden Ear, etc. I have recently replaced some excellent Linkwitz speakers with the Magnepan LRS+ and given up dynamics for detail and delicacy.  I recommend you use the GR crossover mods and subwoofers from 80 - 100 Hz down. I have the original LRS (modified) also. I listen to a lot of singer/songwriter music and music from different cultural groups. Happy Listening!

I moved from a house with a large listening room to a much smaller condominium ( I think there was a divorce or something in there). The 801’s are in a close if not nearfield position and never sounded better (testament to the great concrete build quality).

Another move to a larger condo and listening room ( 18’ x 20’) is on track by the end of the year.

I will try the 801’s first in the new place first but I like the idea of new speakers in there. WAF not an issue btw.

For something completely different and worthwhile for many check out Ohm Walsh.