New spreakers sound great But

New speakers are great but not enough bass do I need more power or what? Current amp is rotel rb 980 bx speakers are 91db, what do you suggest?
"even after pulling my speakers away from the wall for a total of 24 inches from the wall."

Wow, you make it sound as if that's an extreme. 24" should usually be the STARTING point for where to position your speaker from the wall. Mine are 7 ft. into the room.

Just blew a channel in my amp, so probably want be waiting to get a replacement. I do love the tone of a tube guitar amp so maybe i should go the tube route, i have also considered selling my peach and going with a integrated like the manley stingray, what do you guys think?
Actually, before I blew a channel in my amp, The bass was sounding better. and when i switched back to my b&w sounded kinda over bassy, and the bass wasnt as tight.
Here is a link to one of Scott's earlier threads, for those that may be interested. It appears that his new speakers are DIY, and now he just blew out a channel in his amp on the first day. Is this correct Scott? If so, I would be very leary of hooking those speakers up to another amp.

Good luck,