New TEO Audio ICs, who has them?

TEO has been busy, they recently introduced the KRONOS ICs:

I see they also have an upgraded version of the Game Changer (GC II):

toyo 18,
Wow, so this is how you choice to resolve this? Patience may have worked better. Just saying... 
Toyo18 (and others): This is a forum thread, not a complaint center or even a manufacturer’s website forum. If you want specific info about Teo Audio cable prices, then straight communication is always best.

I own numerous Teo Audio products, including a variety and lengths of their IC products. I own one of their glorious The Liquid Pre passive line stages that implement their liquid metal fluid interconnects. All were obtained from their portal here on the market side of the Audiogon site.

I’ve communicated with both Teo_Audio and Taras22 in their forum threads, via private messenger (via the forum’s pm link under their user name) and via their website communication link. Both are responsive more often than not. And both care about selling their products to those who want them. It’s a 2-man operation, and yes, sometimes communications get lost in the weeds. And then there is the phone, which I’m sure works quite well but which I never really needed to try.

My point is that if one persists with polite attempts with communication, then one will be rewarded in kind. But I’m not sure if a lot of what has been said here fosters that objective.
Teo Audio folks would admit their products reflect a continuous stream of ongoing development. I can’t keep up with their varied products. What’s listed on their website undoubtedly reflects some of those products. But then came GC, GC2, Ultra, Kronon and others, followed by the GC-JR and the double double series. And now their XLR balanced IC’s, which are surely a bargain, given their new 3-D printed connectors.

The point is that these guys don’t really answer to a Board of Directors or a Marketing Czar. Contact them and ask them what you want for IC’s, in terms of materials, connectors, length and implementation. They will undoubtedly try their best to give you an abbreviated matrix of prices for your objectives.