New Teres Direct Drive Motor Available as Option

Hi Folks:
It looks like Teres is now offering a direct drive motor as an option on their regualar tables. As a Teres 255 owner I'm contemplating the upgrade. Has anyone tried the new motor on there existing/old Teres, and does it seem like the upgrade is worth it? Here's a link to the new product:

+++ Now why would I take your comment the wrong way +++

Perhaps because you react to my posts without giving it proper thought? My statement was not meant in any derogatory fashion, and I am somewhat perplexed at unkind your response. But I choose to take no offense – you obviously did not do marketing 101 at school.

Faced with the choice of going with a known quantity (Oracle/VPI) with no up front expenses vs. suffering a total loss expense (airplane tickets, hotel accommodation and time spent) on a totally unknown (Teres/Galabier/Red point) the choice is somewhat of a no brainier.

As I mentioned in prior posts, if a viable audition opportunity was available, I would most certainly have taken the opportunity.

In order to gain new clients and keep existing ones, we go great lengths and expense. Expecting prospective clients to suffer an expense will not work at all. In short, if somebody wants to sell me a product, I expect them to suffer the expense to market to me and not vice versa.

And BTW, if you make use of a credit or debit card, you are quite likely one of my clients already. If not, my competitors are just like me. So I ultimately you probably do not recognize my type even when we make money off you.

Kind Regards
I bet it is a fine design. From the early days of DD motors being the standard cheap design, my worry would be rapir costs if something went wrong with the motor. It may be a silly worry with a motor this quality, but on a belt drive table and awful lot of things can be fixed by changing a belt. Short term flutter is something I find really annoying and the deveil of old DD tables, even the much (over) liked sp-10, was when the motor went bad, you basically threw the table away.

Obviously this has different qualities and froma good designed I can see it working. However, long term speed stability and rumble are tough issues to tackle.

Thankfully, market forces in this cottage industry are quite different from banking, and time-value-of-money calculations are mostly irrelevant. Perhaps the hedge fund crowd would do better to maximize utility & profit margins all down the supply chain by sticking to oenophilia, art auctions, and the outsourcing of decisions regarding statement audio systems to Sound by Singer.
Just what is your agenda here? We've been blessed to hear your ramblings on physics and how non-suspended tables can never be the equal of suspended tables. That's the kind of discussion I'll never have with you again as it only makes you look smarter than you are and me foolish. Now you come here to this thread and instead of discussing the subject from a scientific /engineering point of view, you just start throwing stones about how you'd never do business with Thom, Chris, or any other small business. I read your post several times. Don't piss down my back and tell me it's raining. You meant that to be condescending because that has always been the tone of your posts.

Thanks for suggesting a fly fisherman's blood knot. Now the thread runs smooth & quiet. Using this type of knot it's pretty much impossible to make two threads of identical length in order to run multiple threads. But a single thread works well if pulled tight.