New Thread on Steve Hoffman website that says Audiogon sucks

The funny thing is I feel the say way about the Hoffman site. I think it sucks!
Giving yourself the handle, constitutionalist, doesn’t make you one. You’re not one to dictate anything to anyone. I just cut to the chase.
You’re not all there.

If smallpox was ravaging the countryside, would you be stupid enough to refuse the vaccine? You’d either take it or you would die. You have no constitutional right to infect others.

The Covid vaccine is a medical decision and not a political one, unless you plan on killing lots of people. Just when did you lose it?

As for topics on Steve Hoffman forums, I don’t have the faintest notion what you’re raving about but if what you say is true, then hats off for Steve and his mods for kicking a troll like you off his forums.

The internet is full of things like you and it’s too bad you thought you’d come here and turn this into some kind of demented farcebook posting.

All the best,
@constitutionalist I actually have no affinity nor deep appreciation for Steve Hoffman. Don’t know him, only seen him once at the LA Audio Show 7 or 8 years ago when I was trying to listen to Voxativ when he came into the room and all the rest of us were shuttled out. No big deal to me but I buy and sell alot of gear and Ive never been tempted to try Voxativ since.

You really should make peace with the fact that while you may have the freedom to say what you want where you want, the only entity on the planet that is forced to listen to your crying is the government. Everyone has the right to tune you out. 

Pot meet kettle.

Not that I do not agree that this person has an agenda, just like the guy who went to SH site and started this thread.

Thing is Hoffman is the Mayor there and can make the laws. Here the inmates are running the asylum.

Always a few that have to spread some political crap and then there are the flies and kids with spoons who show up.

I enjoy both forums not for the politics but for the entertainment.

My entire position is the Hoffman Forum, carefully and skillfully cuts off not some but all conservative views. Again, I am speaking of one segment of the Forum. If you are just going to stay in the Music or Audio section of the Forum, hey, no problem, however he introduced a new portion of the Forum called "Off Topic". This is the section he has his Gorts throwing off conservative views right and left.

The Gorts have no problems letting all liberal, hate Trump posts stay, Steve Hoffman loves those, anything that criticizes or belittles conservative values and builds up Antifa or BLM, or confirms it was conservatives that came to Washington and destroyed the Capitol, oh that is beauty to the Hoffman eyes, this is what I am speaking of.

If you are going to have a section of a Forum that can sway left or right, my attitude is let the pendulum swing freely, let everyone have their say, but that is certainly not happening with the Steve Hoffman "Off Topic" portion of the Forum and I would just like to see this change after years of abuse.

Additionally, if he has a rule, why in the world does he ignore his own Forum rule, why?

I have been a member of this forum for years, enjoying posting, but is causes me much stress to see well meaning people post very informative and valuable information to find themselves on the chopping block with these Gorts at Hoffman's command. I know I’m not the only one that has seen this trend for many years, and many of us are hopeful one day he will see our point of view, equal contributions from both sides is always better.
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