New to Vinyl, TT suggestions please


I'm looking to get into vinyl and was looking for suggestions on TT's up to $500 on the used market, including cartirdge and arm, preferably low maintenance (specific table suggestions that are now available would be welcome too!). My musical tastes favor electronic/techno/triphop/ambiant music, especially heavy in angelic female vocals and engaging bass lines, to Radiohead and Pink floyd, Tull and Nina Simone, with operas and occasional jazz thrown in when in them mood. My preamp/phono pre is the musical fidelity A3.2cr, my system if full range and bass from 20-40hz is very important to me, if that helps. My reference redbook and SACD player is the Marantz SA-14, which I'm quite fond of, and would like a vinyl rig with the same essential sonic characteristics, if that helps! Thanks much for any assistance.
The 250 tonearm is a better arm, because it has two bearings not just one as with the 300. This has been backed up in other posts on this site as well! The 250 is a great combination a used Sota Sapphire which I just upgraded to. A little more than your $500 though after the armboard.
I'll take an RB250 over a 300 any day. There are some very effective yet inexpensive mods you can do later. I second the suggestion to go with a VPI HW-19 Jr. Great tables, and they're quite easy to upgrade as your funds allow (and believe me, you'll be upgrading. No one escapes the sickness ;) After a while you'll have turned it into an HW-19 MkIV that will play with some of the big boys! VPI does the low-end well in my experience.

I haven't much experience with SACD, but you'll have no problem exceeding your Redbook performance.
Rega P3 with a Dynavector 10x5 and you can then just sit back and enjoy the tunes for a long time to come!
Hey goat, you say you "would like a vinyl rig with the same essential sonic characteristics" as a Marantz SA-14 and for $500, correct? If so, a belt drive is definitely NOT the answer.