New Tom Petty

Well, what do you think? Bought it last night, have'nt gotten to it yet,but from what I've read about it, sounds very interesting....
Hey Bongofury - how are you ?

Just saw your name linked to the Tom Petty thread and checked in. Are you a fan? Not a great fan myself but my cousin is in the band - Steve Ferrone (drummer). Next time they are in LA or SF and if you are free I will wangle a couple of passes and we can grab that beer we never had.

Just thought I would hop off the porn sites and check in and see what chaos you might be creating around here.

TT: I am good. Working the whole Summer. Tom Petty can always be counted on to put on a great show. Working Coachella this weekend; some great private parties with Peter Yorn and Aloe Blacc.
Just saw your name linked to the Tom Petty thread and checked in. Are you a fan? Not a great fan myself but my cousin is in the band - Steve Ferrone (drummer).

I have been following your cousin Steve since the days of AWB. I first saw him in 1977 in Nice, France, with AWB - at that time it was the original band with the addition of Steve - the "Person To Person" album features how they sounded back then. I have both Steve's own albums - It Up and More Head. He is such a tasteful player. I saw Steve on the Mojo tour when they came through and loved the triplet in six time feel on Flash Of Freedom - sounds like something he an Mike came up with together at The Dirty Knobs - certainly a darker sound than one would expect from Petty which is why Mojo is such an interesting new sound for the band.

Anyway if Bongo can't use those tickets then think of me ;-)
Nice one Shadorne -

We come from a disfunctional family.......he is the black guy who is into rock and roll, I am the white guy who is into hip-hop. We talk on the phone often, each time promising to spend more time together, but he is busy, me too and are the only family members living in the US, him in LA, me in SF.

Nice to see you post on a dream Brit supergoup of today and include him - beautiful complement - I will make sure he sees that.
Where do you live out of curiosity ?

He sent me "It Up" and I always ask him to send me any stuff he does but he has never mentioned "More Head" - I am guessing he did that after it up as the cover was all about the head shot, so I will have to get on his case about that one, never knew it existed until you mentioned it. Just bugged him two weeks ago to snag me a promo copy from him on Platinum Samples - have heard nothing back so when I remind him I will hit him up for "More Head" also.
I am up North in Canada. Perhaps Steve will head North one day on a drum clinic for Gretsch. I saw a clinic with Dennis Chambers last year with Ndugu Chancler in the crowd. Dennis paid a huge tribute to Ndugu - a real gentleman - and then he proceeded with his impression of the hulk drum solo... Dennis is so good it was scary.

Steve's More Head project was with the Stone Temple Pilots and Alex Ligertwood - it rarely get's much better than that - some old favorites played with a new twist!