New Townshend Rock 7 owner

The Townshend is in transit to it's new home. I purchased this one-owner table as a package, complete w/ Funk Firm FXR ll arm, dc motor upgrade, Discovery Balanced phono cable and Brinkman PI cartridge. It come with all original boxes, manuals.

If all goes well, I should be able to get it up and running with one exception, my phono stage is not balanced. Since the original owner bought this from a respected dealer as a package, I think my best route would be to get a pair of RCA to XLR adapters in order to hear the package as close as possible as was intended.

Any thoughts on that aspect? What brand adapters would be recommended? Also, any thing I might need to know from experienced users to help with set-up? Thanks.
Listened to side one of the NC lp. Now putting on "Black Star" /David Bowie.

A great listen... in the dark. This lp may not be for everyone. Upon several listens, it is really a masterwork, IMO. Sonics are very, very good!

Check out "Lazarus"!!!

( I think Bowie knew.....)
Although I've never bought much Bowie, I've always appreciated his work.

Somehow, "Black Star" just grabs me and won't let go. I'm thankful that his last work appeals to me so.

A great, late night lp!!
Cleaning Buddy Guy's "Walking Through The Woods"/MCA  heavyweight lp. I have not listened to this lp but once, well over 20 years ago. Now is as good a time as any, right?  I thought you'd agree.

(Saw him several years ago locally. He was very energetic and actually very vocal on how much he respected newer (blues) artists. He made it clear how much he thought of John Mayer. Buddy walked around, while playing, he walked through the audience then up in the upper seating then back down. He is a great (showman))!!!!

The Townshend just sounds right! It's a joy to listen to, or through? Because it really kind of makes all of my equipment disappear. Nice... real nice!

Just started side two.

Don't think I'll make it folks. been listening for around 15 hours straight. The Townshend is still rocking!
