New turntable help

It's time for me to purchase a new turntable .
I've been looking at the Rega RP3, clearaudio concept and a vpi scout..
Don't really know which one to buy.. Any recommendations? I'm going to use a clearaudio maestro cartridge.

My set up:
Parasound Halo JC 2 pre
Halo A21 amp
Parasound Zphono. ( JC 3 soon)
Psb synchrony one towers.

I've been using a project debut carbon and I'm getting tired of it.

Showing 2 responses by roscoeiii

If you are hitting the $1-2k budget, you might want to try to hear a Well Tempered Simplex.
Not anywhere you can audition them? They are all well thought of tables with their own advantages and disadvantages. Having an idea of what is most important to you would help. As might an idea of what genres of music you most often listen to.