@perfectpathtech- Hello, there. Actually, I don't believe a single question I just asked you was addressed anywhere on this thread. Nowhere did you explain what micro arcing is as it pertains to audio. Nowhere did you explain how you drew the conclusion that your product will never, ever degrade. Nowhere did you explain how your product differs from similar 'graphene' contact enhancers. Nowhere did you explain why you offer no money back guarantee. Please correct me if I am in error. Now, every single one of my questions was asked regarding claims you have made about your product. I'm not pulling questions out of a hat. I am curious by nature, I am curious about your product given every thesauric accolade in the english language has been attached to it. Again, these are claims you make about your product. I'm trying to SABOTAGE you by asking you about what you claim your product does??! Nonsense. These are not unreasonable questions. If you're going to make claims about your product, how is it sabotage (dribble, no less!) to ask for information backing up your claims? I'm not denigrating your product, I'm not claiming your product doesn't work. I can't possibly know that unless I've tried it for myself. I'm asking you very simple, very straightforward questions regarding claims you yourself have made about your product. And honestly, if you sell one tube or a billion, my bills are still the same.....