New 'Vinyl Flat' flattener?

Anyone tried one of these here yet, and your impressions/review, please?

I think I would look to do it with the optional sleeve/heat system myself.
I also confirm the Vinyl Flat really work and perform as it's intending to be. I have been using it with the pouch to my 20-30 warped LPs and I can say 99% of the result is amazing. Just only few LPs which severely wrap that first 2-3 rounds in the Vinyl Flat still doesn't help (maybe some more few rounds are to be taken).

My method, after 4-6 hours of baking, I will allow the Flat disk to be totally cool down (it may take around 45 minutes), then I will un-screw the disk and get the LP off. I will not rush in getting the LP off the disk while it is still warm.

From my experience, this cheap device works as it's advertised...
I have had mine since Mid-Dec '11 and it has worked on all LPs I have tried it on.
Stringreen: We should all be so lucky. I recently got mine with the Groovy Pouch, followed the directions and I'm a very happy customer.
Important: Clean records first, use Groovy Pouch, follow directions...No problems
I may have finally come across an LP that can't be helped. I have a copy of Mofi's Slowhand that has bad dish warping. I've kept it because side two plays flat, especially with a clamp on the record. Side one is dished up and undulated all over the place. Even if my stylus will track this I don't like to subject it to that obstacle course. A four hour run in the pouch didn't change anything(all I had time for). Maybe Mofi vinyl is different somehow. Anyway, I'm going to try an ultra long run all day while I'm at work. Really nothing to lose here and I'd like this LP if it were flat. We'll see.