New Von Schweikert VR 33?

Interested in buying this speaker, not sold on dealers only direct from VSA so can't audition it. Anybody own or listened to them? Please, your thought.
Chad, I am glad your memory is intact. My original conclusion seems to be on the mark. I am glad that your own "way cool" life affords you the time to participate in so many threads. Very impressive. It is just too bad that a) you don't grasp the basic courtesies of this community, and b) you don't know or care if you have a meaningful basis to submit an opinion. Your inability to appreciate the reactions to your posts could be instructive for you, but it may require facts and thinking.
Your "way cool" life affords you the time to read my thousands of celebrate that and stop worrying so much about what and how I do things. Adopt a puppy, be a Big Brother, or whatever it takes to get me off your mind....its starting to feel akward.
This is a thread about a speaker, not world peace, hunger, AIDS, war or anything like it...its about a box that makes noise, some like them and some just dont.....some even said about the company and his speakers "theres nothing wrong with them" (hell you got time....look it up).
So lets chill out guy, your rage has me troubled.
The one thing you are right about is that this thread is only about a speaker. You seem to regard it as only being based on your opinion, and that noone else is as educated in the ways of audio as yourself. (I'm entitled to my opinion... WHAHHH!!!). Everyone is entitled to their opinion. Apparently there are several people on this thread that find you to be a tool. I agree. Don't "get your butt all puckered up" (your quote) about other's opinions as they seem to be well founded. It's just an opinion, it's not life and death, your mother or wife, etc. (more paraphrasing from the genius contributed to this thread) The thread was ready to drift away and you had to dig at the scab again. I personally couldn't give a hoot in hell about VS speakers and what others think about them. I don't own them and more than likely won't. However, I HAVE heard the model in question and certainly found it to be more than competitive in its price range and stated such. YOU have the time to post 14 times giving "expert" opinion on something you've never even heard. What a way cool life you lead. You're like listening to Arthur Fonzarelli. "I was wr, wr, wr, wr, wr, wr. Oh forget it, I was right, even though I was wr, wr, wr."
was it something I said? cause its a great life when this trivial stuff bugs you so much. Back to life, I will check back in with your insults later!
Chad, I don't care one way or the other about the speaker(s) in question. I'm just reading this thread for entertainment. But don't you get the distinct impression that most of the people in this thread wished you would just go away?