I just received my MusicDirect catalog and noticed a new beltless rim drive from VPI. It looks like an "add on" to any VPI table with an outboard flywheel and is standard on the new VPI Reference Super Scoutmaster TT.
Is this belt-less approach similar to previous approaches to drive the platter? (e.g. idler wheel?)
Any info/guidance would be appreciated.

Showing 1 response by tom_hankins

French_fries, I have been using either the Scoutmaster or SSM over the last four years. I have never powdered either of the belts, and sound stage is really good. Also have not heard any of the motor noise your talking about?? Or any noise at all.
Are you talking about the 2-3 seconds of low spin noise when the motor is turned on? I have not had any of the problems your talking about.
The new table looks interesting. It looks like we should be able to switch our motors over to the rim drive. But doubt I will. I already use the super platter, and will probably get the feet in the future. the 10.5i arm looks interesting too.