New "World Class" 3C24 amp

I know the title to this thread is controversial, but to me, it's absolutely a true statement. I just bought this amp, which Paul Birkeland brought to my house, along with about four other amps to try. I wound up liking, and buying, the 3C24 stereo amp. Paul designed, and built this amp. He is a designer for Bottlehead, a company that makes tube component kits.

Last night, I stayed up late listening to this new amp. It was transformational. I've never heard a better sounding amp anywhere, and it turns out it is a perfect match for my custom-built Tannoy HPD 315 speakers. I posted it on my Virtual System, but it did not get posted on the Virtual System forum page, which has been an ongoing problem for me.

I can't say enough about this amp, and about Paul Birkeland. This amp would have been cheap at double what I paid, and I can't believe what I got for what I paid. I am finally getting what I've been hoping to hear from my audio system for over forty years. Yes, it is that good.

Ag insider logo xs@2xislandmandan

Showing 4 responses by islandmandan

David, I'll have to get with Paul. He left me with the amp, no paperwork was done (though I do have a check in the mail for him), so he'll have to provide me with that information.

Okay, I heard back from Paul. These are the specs:

Power at 1 kHz: 10% THD: 12 Wpc
5% THD: 9.3 Wpc
Power at 35 Hz: 10% THD: 8.9 Wpc
5% THD: 6.8 Wpc

These may not be impressive, but if you heard what I hear what this amp does through my Tannoys, you wouldn't care what the measurements are. I sure don't.

There are pictures on my VS, titled "The Summit" in : "Done For Now"

Hi John, all,

There are photos on my Virtual System, under "Done For Now", titled "The Summit". After three months, the amp is still all I've ever wanted in an amp. 

It has hundreds of hours on it by now, and not a single issue, (well except one 3C24 tube went bad, but I have spares now).

Best amp I've been around for any length of time in all these years.

John, congratulations on your amp! Enjoy1
Rob, sorry about the delay. The other tubes are: GS4A, EF 86, and 6DEA.
