@brhatten - Welcome to the forum. I appreciate the link regarding others impressions of break in, etc. I can assure you, I read every piece of Yggy info on the Internet once and in some cases twice before ultimately deciding it was the best purchase (in my particular case and for my needs/wants). Honestly, it was this forum in particular, coupled with professional reviews that I valued most. Nevertheless, I'll glance over portions of the head fi site once again. Best of luck with your Yggdrasil. And don't be bashful. Please post your impressions (in this thread or elsewhere).
@david_ten - good advice on your part. Thank you. To your point about leaving it on while listening to the Oppo, in fact, I am leaving it on 24/7 regardless of any other component I'm listening to and even while not listening. I have some reservations about that because of increased cost (electric) and decreased longevity of the units capacitors (as shadorne was kind enough to educate me in that regard). The electric I knew before hand, upon reading the Schiit manual. I suppose in the grand scheme of things, those are not truly negative concerns, and good "problems" to have. From an investment perspective and with an eye toward resell, typically I do not engage in such matters. My expectation is that future monetary value would be a fraction of the cost of new. Therefore, if I'm wrong, all the better.
@whitestix - perhaps your question would be better suited for Schiit instead of Oppo. But I agree, as I have stated repeatedly on this forum and elsewhere, the Oppo sounds great. I have no experience with the 103 though, but from what I understand from the AVS forum, if you like your 103 for sound, you'll love the 205.
@david_ten - good advice on your part. Thank you. To your point about leaving it on while listening to the Oppo, in fact, I am leaving it on 24/7 regardless of any other component I'm listening to and even while not listening. I have some reservations about that because of increased cost (electric) and decreased longevity of the units capacitors (as shadorne was kind enough to educate me in that regard). The electric I knew before hand, upon reading the Schiit manual. I suppose in the grand scheme of things, those are not truly negative concerns, and good "problems" to have. From an investment perspective and with an eye toward resell, typically I do not engage in such matters. My expectation is that future monetary value would be a fraction of the cost of new. Therefore, if I'm wrong, all the better.
@whitestix - perhaps your question would be better suited for Schiit instead of Oppo. But I agree, as I have stated repeatedly on this forum and elsewhere, the Oppo sounds great. I have no experience with the 103 though, but from what I understand from the AVS forum, if you like your 103 for sound, you'll love the 205.