New York HiFi Show: Tubes and Turntables

I was at the New York HiFi Show today.  It was hard to find many CD players, despite one with a price tag $40,000.  Virtually every room featured turntables and tubes. Sonically, it was a definite improvement over shows in the past.  Not too much sizzle and boom, although a lot of systems demonstrated big bass. Natural sounding components were the rule.
There were hardly any systems affordable by the average audiophile.  $100,000 rigs were not unusual. It seems demonstrators were prone to showing their best.
 With all the myriad of exotic stuff, I’m sorry I can’t remember too many names, but the re-introduction of sophisticated treble and bass controls and room-conditioning processors were impressive.
Of course, streaming was featured in many displays.
It wasn’t a large show, so it was comfortably do-able in one day.
128x128Ag insider logo xs@2xrvpiano
Saying the show was good in anyway is a sad joke.It had no publicity except for 1 free line in the Stereophile club  section it was put on by a sad very cheap company that has no idea how to put on a good show. 
EBM totally agreed Chester sucks. They said they had some sponership on WBGO I wonder what that meant.

Seeing the same old faces is both great and horrifying. One person commented that they say no one under 40 yikes!

The industry is doing a piss poor job of educating the public that hey there is  world beyond Sonos and Bose. 

Whart I disagree, hifi was in the 50, 60,70 and to some extent the 80's and 90's was everywhere.

When I was growing up, kids had stereos in their rooms and a house had a couple of TV's people listened to music. 

Now between the internet, and a new generation of kids that listen to music through crappy headphones and think this is great this is why we are makinng new audiophiles. combine this with cutting of music eduction in high school's  leads to where we are.

Did you see CNN, New York Times, Forbes, Business insider? Did you see underwriting with the local progressive music stations, WFMU, WFUV?

Nope and Nope, High end audio is a heavily American industry that most people if given a change introduction might be interested in moving to some kind of better system.

Dave and Troy
Audio Doctor NJ