Before you go with a MC, if you do, in addition to gain matching issues, make sure your phono stage provides for adjusting to the load requirements of the cartridge. While some sound good at 100 ohms, there are others that like to see 1000, 2000, or 10K. And, since it as much system synergy as well as cartridge/pho-stage synergy (usually recommended by the cartridge manufacturer) its not necessarily predictible.
One of the good things about MM cartridges, for the less than dedicated vinylophile is that they usually operate into 47k ohms, a standard setting for virtually all phono stages, and they have hi gain which makes them much quieter in operation as a mid/lo output MC might reveal noise or noise floors in a phono stage.
One of the good things about MM cartridges, for the less than dedicated vinylophile is that they usually operate into 47k ohms, a standard setting for virtually all phono stages, and they have hi gain which makes them much quieter in operation as a mid/lo output MC might reveal noise or noise floors in a phono stage.