Newbie System Question sort of long, sorry

Hi all,
I'm new to Audiogon and also an audiophile novice so let me start by saying I appreciate your patience in sharing your knowledge. Right know I'm like an "art idiot", I don't know what "Hi Fi" is but I know it(and feel it) when I hear it.

1. Recomended Reading Suggestions

2. Help in identifying my systems weakest link
My current system is: Creek 4330 Int. Amp, Rotel RCD-02 CDP,
NAD C440 tuner, JM Labs Micron Carat Speakers fed through a Brick Wall surge protector on dedicated line. I listen to a very wide range of music styles.

3. Components order of importance, i.e. in creating my "for life" system how do I divy up the budget?

Jetson, I have a Brick Wall conditioner (which I no longer use in my main system)... I think it works fine with low-level components (CD players, preamps, etc.) but not so well with power amps (and hence, perhaps not so well with your integrated amp). You might try using the Brick Wall only with your CDP and tuner, and listen to whether the bass is stronger than before. In any case, if you haven't already done so, you might add a hospital-grade outlet (e.g., Hubbell) to your dedicated line. (And kudos for having a dedicated line!)
Zaikes is correct. I could be assuming the worst, and as we all know, assuming is bad. I use an Anthem Amp2, and do find it to sound more open without a LC. I think a listening test is in order. What I do is keep my favorite cds in and listen as much as possible for a week, make my change, then listen again for a week. I can usually pick up on changes right away, but find it takes time to interpret weather or not the changes are for the better or worse. I recently purchased a Monster AVS2000 and find things to be sharper when running through it. But hey, that's just my gear!!!

Good luck Jetson. Let us know what you find.
Jetson, IMO, you have chosen your audio gear with a budget and an excellent ear. The only thing I have not heard is your speakers. I can't help but think they must also be very good by the rest of your gear. I could improve on your system like others who think you need to spend $1000s more than you are probably not willing to do at this time. I am not a big fan of surge protectors, line conditioners, and so on. That has only been my experience. Gunbei has given you as much help as one can give. If you have a few extra $$$ to spend, I'm sure there is room for improvement. IMO, you have done a great job putting together a very musical system. If a few $$ comes your way, try some isolation devices. You may be surprized what improvement they can bring. Best to you in search for the love of music you are looking for.