Next Best Upgrade for Tidal MQA?

I’m trying to decide what my next best upgrade is going to be to improve my streaming music quality (predominantly Tidal, and Tidal MQA, when available).

Current setup:
Custom Deep Sea Sound 18” subs (2)
Marantz SR7012 AVR
Bluesound Node 2i
MyTek Liberty DAC
Parasound A21+

I’m wondering if I’ll get a bigger jump from inserting a Parasound JC2 BP as a pre-amp or replacing the DAC/Streamer with a MyTek Brooklyn Bridge? Or is there something else out there in the $2500-4000 range that will help make a significant jump?

Help and thoughts appreciated!

Never had tube gear before.

First blush, looks like the Rogue Audio RP-7 might be worth looking into?

Before buying the KEFs, I nearly pulled the trigger on Wilson Yvette’s, but decided that I didn’t want to risk that expensive gear on my (at the time) 3 and 6 year olds. However, what I loved about the Yvette’s was the soul behind the music. The R11’s are the closest I’ve come to conveying that sound at a risk-worthy price, while also having some other strengths (e.g. the Beastie Boys sounded terrible on the Yvette’s, but great on the R11). The point of that long explanation - maybe a tube preamp can bring a bit more of that soul?

tubed gear has a magic... thousands of us around the world would never have a high end system without at least tubes in one stage...we are not all deaf!

try it... you may well join the club!

rogue is well reputed, i have not had one... you may need to do a little searching if you must have the HT bypass, but they are out there... i know conrad johnsons have them in their linestages, which are truly excellent btw...
pretty minimal, but depends on model

for example the conrad johnson et5 runs just a single tube... they don't even vent the top panel...
I’m sure this will not go over well, but I use Tidal and Qobuz both, Tidal was nice enough to send me tickets for a show at the Hollywood Bowl, I think they’re great, but I disregard MQA.  I’ve spent this lockdown time with the MScaler and have placed it in different arrangements with non-Chord DACs.  You may find that, via optical, the WTA thing will work its magic up to 24/192, and I believe the entire filter is still employed even if you’re not at the maximum rate.  I think it lends a certain realism to music and will work well with non-Chord DACs.