Next Phonostage

I'm contemplating a new Phonostage to replace my Rowland Cadence. One of the driving factors is wanting multiple inputs for multiple tonearms.

My system is currently: TW-Acustic Raven AC-1/TW10.5 tonearm/Dynavector XV-1s cart with Rowland Synergy IIi preamp, Rowland 302 power amp and Avalon Acoustics Eidolon Diamond loudspeakers.

My listening tastes are everything except rap/hip-hop. Probably 50% rock/pop, 40% Jazz and 10% Classical.

My audio characteristics preferences I value include really black backgrounds, air around images, extension and musicality. Dynamics are also a plus.

My contenders are currently:

Audio Research Ref 2 SE Phono - rave reviews, most say this gives you best attributes of solid state and tube sound combined, might be a natural transition into tubes for me

Thoress Phono Enhancer - also known as TW Acustic Phonostage; might mate well with my analog front end, flexibility in dialing in bass, mids, highs, customizable sound

Manley Steelhead - heard this in a friend's system, very nice sound, very flexible, did hear a it of tube noise

Can anyone who owns one of these phonostages or has listening experience with them give me some input and advice on what would work best with my system?

Thanks in advance for any recommendations from the audiogon community.

Showing 1 response by downunder

I own the TW phono stage. It has stayed constant in my system for a while now while other stages have come and gone.

The only phono stage I have heard and contemplated replacing the TW was the ARC ref2 phono.

Lotus is correct, the ARC has such a huge soundstage and an ability for the music to float in 3d. At the time I did not feel the bass weight of the ARC was quite right. I believe the SE revision has solved this shortcoming.The TW has a little more drive. ARC had better blackess .

I am still considering the ref2se, but cannot listen to one first so undecided, as the TW does nothing wrong.

Both have that tube magic once heard is hard to do without.

Steelhead has never done it for me. Perhaps due to the fact the SUTs are a bit coloured.