Next upgrade options

Hello all,

So, I have invested quite a bit and reached this audio chain (listed below). I also upgraded power cables, interconnects and speaker cables. So far, I am pretty happy and found noticeable difference with every step of the way.

I am seeking advise/opinion from fellow audiophiles on what can be the next upgrade.. I am seeking more body, fullness and perhaps a little more analog sound.

Option 1 - speakers (not sure what . I love bookshelf)

Option 2 - separates on Amp ( perhaps Gryphon or M10x with a pre-amp)


Chain -

Aurender N20 --> DCS Rossini DAC + master Clock --> Luxman 509z --> b&W 805D4 + dual Rel s510


I love and hate this hobby .. 


@ghdprentice thanks for the suggestions. I was thinking to get a Type A Amplifier . Heard it is tube sounding. I am happy with most of other facets except getting a more fuller sound. 509z is the only amp I have tried. 

I would invest in a trip to hear a variety of other speakers, whether that is a metro with multiple shops or an audio show. This will give you some perspective on your existing system/speakers. It will be fun and money well spent. 

@saurabhgarg Class A amps have warmer sound, in general. However, keep in mind each brand will have its own house sound. In example, Pass Labs amps are on the warmer side of neutral. Their Class A/B amps like the X250.8 are biased into Class A for the first 20-25w then transitions into Class A/B with tons of headroom. Pass Class A amps are even warmer. While they’re primarily biased into Class A, they still have some headroom in Class A/B. But the sound is unmistakably Pass Labs - warm, laid back with big bass. To me, Pass X series sound more dynamic and open than their XA series but what works for you in your system is impossible to predict.

Luxman Class A/B or Class A will also have their house sound and even the Class A Luxman will probably retain some of the top end qualities and may be only slightly warmer. It won’t be a full 180 from the sound you’re getting now.

If you can swing the Diablo 300, that would be my choice if I were you. With that amp you can experiment with pretty much any speaker down the road.

Good luck!