No Audiophiles in Hollywood

A thought just came to me that a lot of movies show us the lives of fictional people doing the everyday things that real people do. However, we never see anyone sitting down and listening to a high end system.

The only thing that I can remember is when the billionaire played by Robert Redford put on an LP on what appeared to be a high end turntable in the movie "Indecent Proposal".

I have never seen exposed tubes on-screen, or an amp of any type for that matter. Big speakers, seems hifi does not fit the decor scheme of movie sets, or more realistically, audiophiles are rarer on earth than Klingons and Romulans and hollywood does not know of their existence.

It would seem that some of the well heeled actors, directors and producers would own a killer 2 channel system and periodically include one in a scene when the character has discretionary income.

We've all seen scenes with the wife complaining about the husband always watching sports, but never complaining about him pampering his hi-fi rig.

We've all seen characters with automobiles and other toys that we've envied, but never a stereo system to make you salivate.

Anyone ever see a hi-fi system onscreen worth mentioning?

Just a thought.

Showing 17 responses by mitch4t

I remember a photo shoot of Fabio with all top-shelf Krell amps and subwoofer.....that was several years ago.
Tvad...can't be the cost with $100m budgets commonplace nowadays.

Think of the product placement mileage Martin Logan or Genesis would get placing a pair of their speakers in Stately Wayne Manor in a Batman movie along with a Krell or Audio Research stack with a Wadia cd player. If the audio companies are smart, they would provide the stuff on loan at no cost. Other companies pay to have their products prominently displayed.
Papa 171...I beleive that the celebs on the MTV "Cribs" show aren't cheap. I my opinion is that a lot of them don't even know about the world of HiFi audio.

I manage and train salespeople for a mortgage bank. I use a projector for a lot of my training sessions. For the fun of it, I have projected the Audiogon website on the screen a few times at the start of a sales meeting. They have no idea that one can pay 5 or 10k for an amplifier...20 or 50K for a pair of speakers. I show them some these items on the screen and they are just blown away.

Celebs are just ordinary folk too with a lot of money. I believe that they just don't know that the world of hifi exists. I know a lot of professional types that could easily afford high end audio.....they don't own any because they don't know that it exists. I will start a conversation with someone about audio, and the guy will start bragging about his 100 wpc reciever....the guy has no clue that separates even exists.

All print advertising for audio is for the mass market stuff. When was the last time you've seen an ad in your newspaper from a high end audio store?

Just ask around the people that you know and see what happens.......overwhelmingly, they don't have a clue about hi fi audio.

Advertising works. Hi end audio doesn't advertise to the masses.

Sears has the latest plasma screens in try to find a decent pair of speakers, or an amplifier there. The world goes to Sears because they have the bucks to advertise. Hence if the public doesen't see it at Sears, Curcuit City or Best Buy, to them, it probably doesen't exist.
I just finished viewing the dvd of the movie "Stealth". The character, Dr. Keith Orbit, has what appears to be a ClearAudio Master Reference turntable and a wicked looking pair of speakers in in house.
In Jerry's apartment on "Seinfeld", the box speakers sat on the floor, behind the couch on both sides....with no sign of speaker wires...or a reciever.
In the movie "The Departed", Matt Damon had a nice McIntosh stack of equipment.
While testing my new dvd player tonight...I put on "Lara Croft: Tomb Raider". Just before the bad guys break into her mansion/palace/chateau, you get a very quick glimpse of a megabuck Clearaudio turntable.
In the movie Righteous Kill, the accused rapist has a MacIntosh amp and preamp in his apartment.....didn't see any speakers or source in the scene.....the MacIntosh stack with its blue lights was very prominent in the scene.
Saw the Richard Gere movie 'Nights in Rodanthe'.....the innkeeper had vinyl and and a nice turntable.

The movie was a real stinker....didn't like it.
In 'The Reader', the attorney (Joseph Finnes) had a stack with an integrated amp and a cassette deck in in 1970's office. No speakers were visible. Pretty good movie too.
In the movie, 'Dinner For Schmucks':

A pair of MBL speakers in the apartment. No electronics are shown though.
Saw 'The Mechanic' last night starring Jason Statham. He had what appeared to be a ClearAudio turntable and tube preamp or tube integrated in his killer bachelor pad. Of course he went through the record cleaning ritual before he put the LP on the turntable....that was a nice nod to audiophiles. He also told his house guest to NEVER TOUCH his rig. Later in the movie, the guy foolishly touched his rig, and Jason made him pay dearly for it.
Just watched the movie 'Looper' last night. Joe (Joseph Gordon-Levitt) plays a Michell Gyro SE turntable in a scene his loft. The turntable is seen playing again when he moves to a new apartment. However, no amp, preamp or speakers are present in either scene. The movie is set in the future (2074), so it must be a wireless model
In "The Departed" (2006), starring Leonardo DeCaprio, Jack Nicholson and Matt Damon. Matt Damon's girlfriend in the movie fires up his all McIntosh amp & preamp. No speakers are visible.
The TV show ’Empire’ has B&W speakers in Lucious Lyon’s headquarters and in his home.

One of Lucious’ sons has Martin Logan speakers in his apartment.
Bishop James Greenleaf on the cable TV show ’Greenleaf ’ has a set of Sonus Faber Olympica speakers and an Audio Research VSi75 integrated in his office. I did’t see a source in the office...probably a streamer is in there somewhere.

In the series 'Bel Air', Uncle Phil's office has what appears to be an expensive looking SimAudio Moon amp & preamp along with a killer turntable.