No love for Legacy Audio

Hello all. I have been on a few discussions here and read many more. I have not seen many of the posters here talk much about Legacy Audio speakers. I am referring to the Signature SE model and the Focus SE model. I am curious why people don’t seem to like them as much as several other brands that get talked about much more here. What is it you like better about the ones you are consistently raving about. Thank you. 


I've always found the "No love for....?" phrase amusing. To me it is a somewhat pathetic plea for help The folks that use this phrase don't feel confident in their own choice of gear and need corroboration and moral support from strangers. 

Someone mentioned Kenjit above. He used a different plea for attention-the purposefully provocative statement hoping to stir the pot and in the meantime draw attention to himself. 

And then there is the old standby of some ridiculous and meaningless intro such as "Holy smokes!" or "I have finally achieved audio perfection" or the like without any disclosure of the product or real topic so that the author has in fact created click-bait. 

All pathetic in different ways. 

Well, fsonicsmith, it’s obvious that I have totally misunderstood the purpose of this forum. I thought it actually was a place I could go for opinions about equipment and things I don’t know as much about. I apologize for being so naïve. You know a lot of people here talk about getting run off for one reason or another. You can add pathetic questions and comments as yet another. 

I find the premise of this thread quite odd.

There are thousands and thousands of forum members and a vast amount of posts regarding Legacy Audio.

What led you to make such a statement as a thread starter?


Honestly I have not seen a vast amount of posts on Legacy speakers. I really was fishing for why people liked what they had better than Legacy. I feel like I have seen vast numbers of posts on about 5-7 other speaker brands but very few on Legacy. So I probably led in a not great way but my intentions were not sinister or intended to be any more than just curiosity and a desire to learn about other products. That’s it. 

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