I have been following this thread and accepted your reluctance to reveal the formula you have.
However, looking at responses and recommendations, I noticed some patterns and came up with a few conclusions.
Getting a thicker cable than necessary minimum may not improve the sound, but will not be detrimental either. It will be more expensive because thicker cables tend to be so.
Cables that posters who reported improvement following your recommendations used are, overall, quite affordable when talking about audio equipment. Altogether, $100-200 for runs of a few meters. Definitely much cheaper than "real" audio cables.
Your recommendations seem to be, in most cases, limited to, at largest, 0 AWG. That seems to be enough for most of the users, unless they are running 20 meters of cable which many are probably not.
Is it safe to assume that most of the users who are using maybe 2-3-4 meter cables and are not concerned about the difference of a $50-100 between minimally necessary (let's say AWG 4) and AWG 0 would be sufficiently served by simply buying AWG 0? That would eliminate your formula and need to bother you with calculations while giving some inexpensive window where thickness is enough, if not more than enough.
One of the posters published pictures of his new cable. It is quite thick (I forgot actual numbers) and has much thinner and very short one embedded at the end with that thinner one being attached to a banana which then goes in the amplifier. If there is a need for a very thick cable, does this thinner piece negate the benefits of all the thickness before it?
If my assumptions are correct, for most of the posters, the actual focus would need to shift on technical aspect of constructing a usable cable rather than on how thick the cable should be. AWG 0 would suffice in most cases and would not cost too much. More difficult question would be how to connect to speakers and amplifier.