No one actually knows how to lculate what speaker cable they need

It goes back to cable manufaturars, mostly provide no relevant data! to sales and the users. None will answer this!
Whay do you think that you own now the optimal cable to your setup?
I think I've figured it out. 

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Mr. stevecham

Your post is way off the subject and your attitude is rude. But I'll clear a few facts about your Manley Neo 250 with your speakers.

At a DF of 14.8 / 17.2 (output resistance = 0.5 Ohms) and a 4 Ohms load @ 218W, 1/8 or 12.5% of that power is dropping on the amp's and 7/8 on the speaker. So you are wasting 27W of the 218W. This is way the cable in your case has no significance. I really would care, if I would you, in such case about the DF.

At the time tube amplification first introduced, the amps had very moderate power: 10W-20W. At that time the DF was the same and it was not a problem. Some designs looked into tube as "what was missing is more power", made it to deliver a 250W but over looked all other aspects.

Your speakers demand way more than 1W. They are very demanding on impedance and low efficiency. So why would you bring up the 218W power, if you think you need only 1W? It is true that as close as you get to 0W, all problems are gone!

The spec. defines 1.5% THD (it's a lot!) and I can't hear it because I'm 10,000 miles away. But anything above 0.2% is audible. 1.5% is a bad figure for today amps.

"But anything above 0.2% is audible. 1.5% is a bad figure for today amps."
,As true as it may be, don’t forget that people tend to like some sound so that particular distortion, as presented in numbers, may actually be beneficial and preferred by a given owner. It may not be exactly what came into the amplifier, but may be what makes an owner enjoy more. In 2018, it may be possible to make it closer to perfection, but that perfection may not be pleasant for someone. In some way like putting sugar in the lemonade or some spice in the dish recipe. Others may not like it, but who are they to say anything.

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Mr. glupson

Gentlemen don't argue about facts and feelings. So as a fact, 1.5% THD is not good. If someone likes it – Shall it be.

Audio as a concept has two ways to go:

The first would take the challenge to try reproducing the source as close as possible.

The second would claim, that this goal can't be achieved, so let's go for a sound we like.

I'm Ok with both ways to some extent.

It is hard for me to like a sound that I know up front it is contaminated with "bad" stuff:

High THD, high IMD, high background noise, limited bandwidth, limited dynamic range, bad DF etc'. Than when we go for tube it is also a life cycle that could be different by the day. I liked it so much last week but since, I can't get again the same sound…

At the same time, it is impossible to claim that a 1.5% THD is loyal to the origin! The origin had no THD. This figure is mostly get bigger as some is coming from vinyl with 3.5-5% THD and goes to a speaker that might have some THD too. Yes, people like it. I don't.

I've heard a say after a live concert that the piano sounds better on his system! Well, is it good for him, or not so good for him?