Mr. kosst_amojan
From where do you take this information about cable thickness and massive amount of impedance?
This site would suggests otherwise:
At material = Cooper, Fr. = 0.02MHz (20KHz), Length = 2m, Diameter = 20mm, Z = 0.00012 Ohms!
At 2mm, Z = 0.00143 (>10x worse or higher impedance).
The skin effect is about full power of a 0 AWG @ a Fr. of 250Hz @ 150Amp's. It doesn't need that kind of current at any Fr. Or power. A 1,000W power into 8 ohms would require 16 Amps.
Not to say, that in Audio most energy above 10KHz are harmonies, with substantial less power than the basic Fr. (-20dB less = x100 times less).
For some reason, those who tried it out were very happy with the results.