No one actually knows how to lculate what speaker cable they need

It goes back to cable manufaturars, mostly provide no relevant data! to sales and the users. None will answer this!
Whay do you think that you own now the optimal cable to your setup?
I think I've figured it out. 

It would be interesting if the first 3 AudioGon members are still using the DIY cables. Please chime in. The latter 3 are not AG members.
I swapped mine out for solid silver cables. Partly to tidy up on the cables in what is a fairly tight space.
Not quite. I didn't stick to the rules about gauge for these.
And I was on 0 gauge before. :)
I ended up not playing... I wanted to though as I was curious but as the thread went on I lost interest. Interesting thread and been fun to read but I agree with most and question the OP for being so secretive on his formula. Instead of blowing the money on the battery cable I bought a couple power receptacles and am very happy with that purchase.