No reforming of Led Zep apparently

Don't know if it is common knowledge or not but I just heard an interview with Robert Plant, who said when asked if Led Zep were going to reform, he said 'no', as he is happy were he is at musically'.
I read the same thing via a John Paul Jones interview.

I don't think Plant thinks he can belt it out like he used to. Which is completely understandable considering he's the one who would look silly and without his once considerable "vocal bandwidth", Led just isn't the same.

I'm sure somebody is trying to get them to do a Super Bowl... which would be interesting. Their catalog of songs would be awesome for that venue. Or maybe an Olympic Opening Ceremony??
Some bands just need to stay dead and LZ is one of them.I loved the band but there's no way they can pull it off anymore.Plant has a limited range,Page doesn't seem to have the drive,Jones doesn't seem too interested and most importantly,Bonham can't be replaced,even with his son.This is just my opinion and nothing more,I'm sure some will disagree and that's fine by me.BTW,the Who need to hang it up also.
i agree that plant no longer has that freakish vocal range, but i really dig his record with allison krauss--it's really well sung and well recorded; to my ears the best post-zep work of any of the original group.
as a somewhat related aside, i randomly encountered an interesting missive on the online music blog, perfect sound forever, which asserts very convincingly that many of their classics--stairway, communication breakdown, etc.--were ripped off from a whole host of uncredited sources, incl. bert jansch, moby grape, willie dixon and keith relf. no great revelation, i guess--many of the 60s/70s blooz guys also borrowed heavily, tho zep seems to be rather more prolific theives and less generous to credit sources. great band in any event.
Tpreaves...agree with you completely. They are leaving a legacy of some great, and some not so great music, and they all have years to go and other avenues to explore, as they choose. Meanwhile, even though there are plenty of songs for them to remake as solo artists if that is something they want to do, reforming as a much older and incomplete version of Led Zeppelin at this point would really be sad. A limp blimp.