No way,No how,Never will...

After a few decades of assembling systems around the world,I find myself in front of the computer researching balanced power conditioners as I am currently in an apartment in Mpls.I never put much stock in exotic wires,isolation/vibration theories and the other periphirals[SP] and thought I was set for awhile after the usual upgrades[amps,speakers,sources].WRONG!!But,I promise never to investgate the tube equipment possibilities,no way,no how,never......
if you want to in a very inexpensive way buy the aes audio electronic supply pre and power amp the super amp...they rock but must have effecient speakers....sorry i just couldn't help myself...i apologize...i too was lost but now i am found In tubes......
Bob, it sounds like you have lots of options for people to help you start spending some money.
1)More friends than money John after the PC's today...Yes,Jaybo,Mark at Audio Perf is a fine fellow,got going with him around 88 or so with the amps,[Counterpoint,Levinson,Threshold,Bryston].2)I hear those rock Dwhitt,I also hear one of my friends has Cat Sig's mono's which,apparently, have a tube in them somewhere that won't let you go to bed at night....3)I was afraid of that David Berry,good thing I have 2 alaisis[SP]...4)Are you saying Bombaywalla to change my bait and move upstate?5)Thanks E.,for the tip,I'll remember when another one of my runners gets thru...which hybrid pre did you have?6)Thanks for the pings people,nice to hear your voices,well,back to my coma,can't spend any money there...its either that or a second to pace oneself,this road never ends,Bob

No connection to above. Used as example. Would recommend larger for amp.

Balanced: Derate by half. Connect 120V as 240V, according to label. Connect wires X2 to X3 and X1/X4 will be 60V to ground and 120V between each other.

Been there. Done that. Learned hard way.
Any improvement is inversely proportional to money spent.
Stick to your eardrums! I figure that most of the 110v side gadgets (pc's, big cords, fancy receptacles) are often best thought of as a tax on people who don't understand electronics or the power of suggestion. You might like tubes though. Good Luck!