No Widescreen of Full Metal Jacket?

As far as I know, Full Metal Jacket has never been released in a Widescreen format [Fullscreen pan & scan only].

I've never seen a Widescreen version on either Laser Disc, or any DVD version, even the special collectors edition.

Does anyone know why? Does it have to do to Kubrick's heirs? This doesnt make sense though, as I believe that the DVD versions were released before his death.

So what's the deal on seeing this great film as it should be seen, in the true theater aspect ratio?
Private Gunbei: "Sir, five-foot-nine, sir!"

Gunnery Sergeant Rx8man: "Five-foot-nine?! I didn't know they stacked DACs that high!"

Jaybo, THAT screenplay must be cool, heheh. I think I've got the Blade Runner screenplay somewhere at home. I'd like to get the Apocolypse Now script too.

Gunbei, I think you have my entire video collection duplicated !

Christopher Walken: "One shot"
DeNiro: "Nicki !! don't do it !!"
You know, I still haven't seen Deer Hunter in its entirety. I always seem to catch bits and pieces of it. Time to place it up high on my Netflix queue!

If you really want to know what I'm about rent Seppuku [aka Harakiri in the US] some time. The Criterion Collection just released a great edition of it using the beautiful Cuban key art for the DVD amaray cover.
Gunbei, I did a Google and an Amazon on Harakiri, I'll check it out, thanks.