nobody talks about BAT anymore?

Want to know any feedback on VK32 frm any owner but seemsno one is talking, reviewing their great product anymore?

What happen to the company?
There was a review from CES 2009 of BAT gear with Wilson WP8's. Here's the link:

You have to scroll down a ways to find it.
Well said Viridian, maybe people should calm down. It was rather obvious your reply was meant in a light-hearted way. Thank God we have Sean34 to judge all posts.
I heard their amps in combination with Hansen speakers at a grand opening in Boca back in November. The sound was terrific.
looks like many starts talking about BAT now! Am seriously thinking of pairing up the vk 32 with vk 55 with vandersteen 2ce as my combi now (vk 3xi/vk55) seems does not play complicated orchestra well...

do not like the SE version though ... despite many will think its a waste as BAT is kown for their super tubes.
Mags5000, I feel there is a sort of bullying at times on this website, I have seen it to many times, just pointing it out. People should be able to ask questions without being ridiculed. It's obvious it was nothing that was meant really's just the "I've got a keyboard so I can say what I wouldn't say to someone in person" attitude that drives me nuts!