Noisy Bellari VP 129?

I received a demo Bellari today & while trying to listen to it for the first time it was incredibly noisy. It is completely unlistenable. I can not turn the gain over the first mark without an objectionable amount of noise, almost feedback. If I turn the gain down & then turn the vollume up on my pre-amp the noise will be just as noticable. I also tried going direct into my amps without the pre-amp & have the same noise. I tried listening to the headphone amp & the noise is there as well. I wonder if it is the tube possibly? When I plug my table directly into my pre-amp there is no noise, although the gain is obviously not enough without the Bellari. I wish I had another tube to try but I do not unfortunately. This seems like I have a problem with the Bellari, has anyone else had this problem?
I have removed the cover of the Bellari to inspect the ground, it is secure. I used a jumper to connect the ground of the Bellari to various grounds on my power conditioner, still noisy. Whenever the Bellari is plugged in it is noisy, even with the mute on. As soon as I unplug the power the noise goes away. I thought at one point while connecting an external ground the noise went away but every other time I have tried it the noise is still there? I will call Bellari & see what they have to say or this has to be sent back.
How about trying to float the ground with one of those two pronged adapters from Home Depot. If this is a ground loop, that should take care of it.
I had enough, I went out and bought a new Cambridge Audio 640p. I can finally sit down & listen vs. try to fix. Should be a great weekend. Thanks for all your help guys, I appreciate it.
you're a man of action. Excellent. was the Cambridge plug n play (ie w/o noise)? As I mentioned, I had the issue with 2 different outboard phonos.
Plug & play for sure! It is a little noisy when I turn my vollume way up on the pre-amp but at normal levels with music playing it sounds fine. I can't wait to sit down tomorrow & start spinning!

My Bellari is obviously defective. I called tech support & they didn't even bother trying to walk me through anything else, they suggested I send it in or return it.