Nola Boxers vs. Reference 3A Dulcets

These two speakers are now pretty much at the top of my list for a 2-channel system using a Rogue Sphinx integrated, listening to vinyl and CDs. Does anyone have any input on how the Boxers compare to the Dulcets? Room is 13x11, carpeted, and I listen at low to medium volume levels. Thanks.
Lissnr, that is the type of sound I prefer, as long as the bass is decent enough. Your description of "full bodied" sounds like they would likely have enough bass. Anyone know any shops/sites that might give a deal on the price of new Boxers, besides paying list price? Thanks
The upgraded Boxer S1 would probably be very, very nice, but it costs significantly more, and unfortunately is out of my price range of $1500 max. Hopefully I can find a shop or someone here can recommend one that will deal a bit on the standard Boxer so I can maybe save a few bucks off the $1500 price. Still gotta buy stands & cables also.