Norah Jones

I'm watching a live show on PBS right now and I have to ask myself, how does this girl write so much amazing music? I watched one of her live shows last year and was absolutely floored by her performance but most of all the sheer beauty of her music. Any fans out there? She truly flies under the radar considering her high level of talent as a songwriter and musician.
Wow. Cementics Samantics Semantikcs. I think everybody will agree with Shubert on his comment if you think about it and just don't react right away. Think of ipod good. Ok When we think the ipod is good collectively what happens? Yes class(since we are talking about education and language and stuff)it leads to mediocrity. Not achieving the best. They are two opposite directions. Without getting to psychological about it is really pretty much that simple. Think about it in other areas of life and pretty much the same holds true.
It's great to see so much passion on the music forum!!! This is what it's about. We can agree to disagree (hopefully) and be passionate about what got us all here in the first place. I hope everyone is here because of their love of music. We're never going to unanimously agree about our love of a particular musician but we can certainly disagree on ones level of talent. None of us are wrong.
No, not everyone will agree with Schubert's comments and it is arrogant of you to think they haven't thought about it. It really is pretty much that simple.

Right now I'm listening to Norah's "Not Too Late" and enjoying her music immensely.
The distaste of argument is an American characteristic, Frenchman, to cite but one example, would consider this thread mild indeed as they argue 10x this and at the end of the day no one is offended.
I personally never thought ipod is good. I think ipod is poor. Also you are comparing equipment to artistic talent and personal taste in what moves you musically. I don't see a correlation between the two. What I take from Schubert is if I select and listen to the music or artist he deems (good taste) or best, than I will make better choices in life and gain wisdom. If I choose music he does not approve of than I will make poor decisions in life and lack wisdom. How can I sign up for that program? REALLY? If this is what he believes, he might want to check himself.