Norah Jones on Bluenote??

Is nothing sacred?.......What's next......Courtney Love at Carnegie Hall?......Pavarotti Sings The Monkees Songbook?.....
I think Bluenote is fortunate to have her. Think about it--Bluenote is not your top 40 label--but Norah Jones is. To expose more people to Bluenote's music having someone well known like Norah Jones may just be the ticket, to improving sales and allowing them to continue on their quest of superior and classic jazz.
Is nothing sacred?.......What's next......Courtney Love at Carnegie Hall?......Pavarotti Sings The Monkees Songbook?....."

lol, true.

He has a good point, but Rives' statement reminds me of Pete Rose and MLB.
Her new release is out February 10th. I'd like to get it in vinyl, but don't have a clue as to whether it will be available in vinyl.
From what I understand, she was signed to Blue Note and after she made a CD that was not not as jazzy as was expected, they wanted to move her to another label. Norah insisted that she be on Blue Note, as that is where her influences are. Even though it probably meant less marketing resources for the release.

The sales of her album will help keep Blue Note around longer and probably fund more re-issues from the amazing Blue Note catalog. This is a huge plus in these days of music company consolidation and decisions based on the bottom line.

Blue Note has never tried to play it safe. And I think it's great that they scored a winner with Norah.