Norah Jones on Bluenote??

Is nothing sacred?.......What's next......Courtney Love at Carnegie Hall?......Pavarotti Sings The Monkees Songbook?.....
Jazz is a pretty wide genre, yes? How about Bill Frisell's Nashville; which won a 'best jazz release' the year it came out. Sounds like bluegrass to me, but...

I like Norah myself, and I'm happy to see her great success will continue to help fund Blue Note.
just how about Diane Schuur debute on GRP???
Can it somehow compare to Norah on Blue Note?????
There's a report on another forum, that the CD is copy
protected and some CDPs, Car players are producing clicks
or not able to play the disk. Anyone having trouble?
Neither the new Nora nor the new Cassandra Wison (both Bluenote) will play on my aa cap mk11; although I was able to copy both to Itunes and burn copies, which will play in my player. I won't be buying anymore Bluenote, unfortunately, which for me is a serious loss.