You can always try the Cable company with their lending program. I own Nordost Frey's (ic and sc) and never thought of them as bright or edgy. Now I am currently demoing the Nordost Series2. Much more liquid and warmer sounding. I really like the Tyr2 ic with my original Frey sc but the Frey2 sc is even better. Personally the Tyr2 ic and sc seem too warm for my tastes or maybe it's what I am accustom to hearing. But that is my opinion.
Nordost Tyr vs Audience Au24e
Is there anyone who had a chance to compare those cables? Especially IC's. I know that both are fast, detailed with lots of air. What im interested in is which of those two gives more body to the sound. I use a Cardas right now and would like to switch to something more detailed and fast without being edgy and lean. Is this a way to go?