If anybody stumbles into this forum, I'm in Asheville. I wouldn't mind hearing from some local 'philes, but Please don't expect to see/hear a megabuck system in a pristine environment. Far from that...but if you'd like to offer a pair of ears to listen to a set of DIY Walsh speakers and offer some 'constructive critique', I might be your guy. Personal taste is pretty eclectic, '60's and beyond...I listen to what 'amuses' me. And I don't own a pair of ears that can hear dog whistles or the discrete difference between cable A or X, either. And I promise not to just simply astound one with trying rattle any loose objects of the shelves with 100+ db. But that itch can be scratched if one must...
Besides, AVL is the 'beer capital'. It's like mushrooms after rain around here...
But I Would appreciate another pair of ears for reference's sake, if you'd care to be a 'test crash dummy' *L*.
Besides, AVL is the 'beer capital'. It's like mushrooms after rain around here...
But I Would appreciate another pair of ears for reference's sake, if you'd care to be a 'test crash dummy' *L*.